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Seasonal Snow Care

Season Long Protection - November 15 to April 15

Snow Care Options

Platinum Plowing 0-Snow– The 0-Snow service is your no-hassle service option.  We will clear any and all snow fall, rendering the platinum plowing service by 7AM when necessary and possible.  This service includes salting, shoveling the walkway and clearing the garage doors.  The front door walkway, stoop, and driveway will be salted in ice storms, freezing rains and as needed.

Platinum Plowing 1-inch– We will render this platinum plowing service for snowfall accumulation of 1 inch or more.  Our service begins prior to a 4 inch snowfall or accumulations and/or after the end of a storm.  This may result in multiple services per storm, this guarantees your continued access to your driveway. This service includes shoveling the walkway and clearing the garage doors. The optional salting of the front door walkway, stoop, and driveway is recommended and only performed as needed.

Call/Text 802-696-9093
for free estimate

Stick2Mud:    The Snow Care Experts

Reliable & Dependable Local Service - South Burlington, Shelburne

© 2022 Stick2Mud 

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